Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bara Brith (Welsh)

Posted by girlgroupgirl 8 Atlanta on Tue, Feb 5, 08 at 0:07

Bara Brith

Bara brith is a bread with currants. I think it came first, and then Welsh cakes were invented because Bara brith does not keep or transport well as it is flakey and has an odd texture unlike most breads (just like Welsh Cakes are not cake, not cookie and not cake but sort of all of them at the same time, lol). Welsh Cakes could easily be transported and kept without refrigeration in a mine, or on in the mountains while herding sheep.

This link has excellent explanation of the bread. Explanation

My family is from South Wales and we always make it without yeast and it is HEAVY. We always used currants, and although all the recipes on the web say to make it spicy, we never had a spice in it! It was very white - my family were poor and there was no way we could use a spice daily like that.

This recipe comes closest:
Bara Brith

I don't have a recipe for this myself as we tried making it wheat free and it won't work, just like Welsh Cakes!